Tips to Improve your Well-being in 2016

Here are some worthwile ideas for practicing better self-care.

Excerpt from 3 Jan 2016

For 2016: Stop Neglecting Yourself by Jonice Webb, Ph.D.

….We almost all neglect ourselves in one way or another, at one time or another. One could argue that the damage we do by neglecting ourselves is far more substantial than whatever neglect we experience from others.

Read through the common areas of self-neglect below, and see if any ring true in your life.

Common Examples of Self-Neglect

  • Not pursuing an activity that you know you would enjoy
  • Settling for a job that’s under-challenging or isn’t stimulating
  • Unhealthy eating
  • Not getting enough sleep or rest
  • Not developing a talent that you know you have
  • Engaging excessively in an activity that harms your body and detracts from your emotional health, like pot-smoking or using other drugs….
  • Generally over-focusing on other people’s needs while leaving your own unmet
  • Not exercising enough
  • Not speaking up for your opinions
  • Over-scheduling yourself so that you don’t have enough free time
  • Settling for too little joy or fun in your life
  • Neglecting to address sources of unhappiness
  • Spending too little time, effort or money on your appearance, a potential source of self-esteem
  • Depriving yourself of the freedom and pleasure brought by spending time in nature

Have you been neglecting yourself in these, or other ways? If so, rest assured that you are in good company, along with much of the human race.

Take a moment and try to imagine treating a child the way you are treating yourself/your body right now. Would you deprive a child of joy? Vegetables and fruits? Fun? Nice clothing? An opinion? Fresh air and exercise? Then why do you treat yourself or your body this way?

Now, at the very start of 2016, is a great time to stop the neglect and start giving yourself the time, attention, and effort that you need and deserve.

Five Steps to Cure Your Self-Neglect in 2016

  • Identify the area or areas in which your self-neglect has arises.
  • Write each one down. Seeing it in writing will make it more vivid and real and will also serve as a record to consult throughout the year.
  • Choose one item (working on one at a time will optimize your success) from your list, and promise yourself to improve on it in 2016.
  • Focus on that goal. Pay attention to when you fail to do what’s best for you or your body.
  • Track your success on paper or using your smartphone.

…The deep roots of self-neglect often spring from a lack of self-worth. Somewhere, somehow, maybe you don’t feel you are worth the effort of self-care…

… You can take charge of your own self-neglect with enough motivation, dedication, and perseverance throughout 2016.

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